National Institute of Technology, Agartala P.O.: NIT Agartala Barjala, Jirania, TRIPURA (W) Pin: 799046
MBA National Institute of Technology Agartala
The Department of Humanities & Social Sciences has been co-existing with NIT Agartala since the birth of NIT Agartala i,e when the erstwhile Tripura Engineering College was converted to National Institute of Technology Agartala on 01.04.2006. The Department was established with an objective of making an engineer enlightened with adequate knowledge of his/her surroundings. The Department is engaged in teaching English and Economics to B.Tech Engineering students. The approach of the Department has always been interdisciplinary. The Department offers undergraduate courses in Economics, Costings, Management Principles and Communicative Skill Development. Besides that, it encourages the students to actively take up research in various fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Ph.D. programme of the Department is introduced to serve that very purpose.
B.Tech In Biotechnology Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech In Biomedical Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech In Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech in Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech In Electronics And Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech In Production Engineering National Institute of Technology Agartala National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
MBA National Institute of Technology Agartala
Phd National Institute of Technology Agartala
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Agartala
PhD National Institute of Technology Agartala
B.Tech+M.Tech National Institute of Technology Agartala
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Agartala
PhD National Institute of Technology Agartala
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Agartala
PhD National Institute of Technology Agartala