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Lumbini Medical College & Teaching Hospital Prabhas, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal
PCL Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital
The program is to prepare competent Bachelor of Science nurse graduate to function independently or in collaboration with multidisciplinary health team members in the care of individual, family, group and community regarding preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of health.
Lumbini Medical College has started certificate level nursing program (PCL nursing) in 2008 recognized by CTEVT (Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training- Nepal). B. Sc Nursing was initiated in 2011 affiliated to Kathmandu University.
Nursing is a caring profession which involves providing assistance to sick and healthy individual, family, and community in order to achieve the highest level of health and well being.
The four year, B.Sc. Nursing program aims to prepare academically and clinically sound nursing graduates to fulfill the demand of graduate nurses to carry out the role of care provider, manager, teacher and researcher in various health i
MBBS Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital
B.Sc(Nursing) Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital
PCL Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital
MD Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital
MS Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital