National Institute of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus P.O 673 601, Kozhikode, India
B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut
The Department of Computer secience Engineering is one of the oldest Departments in this Institute. It was established at the inception stage of the Calicut Regional Engineering College (CREC), which was the forerunner to the present National Institute of Technology, Calicut (NITC) in 1961. Over the years, the Department has grown many times in different spheres of activities. At present, the Department offers an undergraduate programme in Computer Engineering leading to the BTech degree and five graduate programmes - one each in Structural Engineering, Traffic and Transportation Planning, Offshore Structures, Environmental Geotechnology and Water Resources Engineering leading to the MTech degree of the Institute. In addition to the above, there are a number of students pursuing research at the Department in various fields of Computer Engineering leading to PhD. The Department is a recognized Q
B.Arch National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech In Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech in Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech In Electronics And Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Calicut
Phd National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech National Institute of Technology Calicut
M.Sc National Institute of Technology Calicut
B.Tech In Biotechnology Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut
MBA National Institute of Technology Calicut