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Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT P.O., Chennai 600 036 INDIA Main Gate (in and out) : Opposite to C.L.R.I and beside The Adyar Cancer Institute, on Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Chennai.
B.Tech In Biotechnology Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
The Department of Biotechnology at IIT Madras was founded in 2004 with a vision to be recognized as a Department of International repute with a strong interdisciplinary research and teaching base in biological sciences and engineering and an active collaboration with industries and health-care institutions. The department is housed in the ‘Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences’. Currently the department has 31 faculty members, about 235 under graduate students, 186 Ph.D. and 20 M.S. Research Scholars, associated staff and Adjunct Faculty.
B.Tech In Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech In Biomedical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech In Biotechnology Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech In Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech in Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech+M.Tech Indian Institute of Technology Madras
M.A. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
MBA Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
M.Sc Indian Institute of Technology Madras