Zone 72, 670 Padre Faura St, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila, Philippines
BA Development Studies University of the Philippines Manila
BA Development Studies was instituted in 1980. It is a multi-disciplinary social science program, combining economics, political science and cultural studies. Its objective is to provide the students with the theories and skills in the social, economic, political and cultural development of people. The program places emphasis on the Philippine situation, though it has subject on the problems of development of other countries, particularly in the Third World.
The graduates of Development Studies easily find careers in the undertaking and supervision of socio-economic projects both in the local and international scenes, in government institutions, in the Foreign Service, non-government organizations and in the academe. The course also offers opportunities in business particularly in the fields of economic and financial analysis and managerial work. It could also serve as a preparatory course for taking up law studies.
BS Occupational Therapy University of the Philippines Manila
BS Physical Therapy University of the Philippines Manila
BS Speech Pathology University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Clinical Audiology University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Physical Therapy University of the Philippines Manila
BA Behavioral Sciences University of the Philippines Manila
BA Development Studies University of the Philippines Manila
BA Organizational Communication University of the Philippines Manila
BA Philippine Arts University of the Philippines Manila
BA Political Science University of the Philippines Manila
BA Social Sciences University of the Philippines Manila
BS Applied Physics University of the Philippines Manila
BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of the Philippines Manila
BS Biology University of the Philippines Manila
BS Computer Science University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Arts in Health Policy Studies University of the Philippines Manila
MM University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Health Informatics University of the Philippines Manila
BS Basic Medical Sciences University of the Philippines Manila
Master in Basic Medical Sciences University of the Philippines Manila
Master in Clinical Audiology University of the Philippines Manila
Master in Orthopedics University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Biochemistry University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Clinical Medicine University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Pharmacology University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Health Informatics University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Physiology University of the Philippines Manila
BNS University of the Philippines Manila
M.Sc(Nursing) University of the Philippines Manila
BS pharmacy University of the Philippines Manila
Master of Science in Pharmacy University of the Philippines Manila