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Address: State Highway 29, Shahabad, Uttar Pradesh 241124
BA,B.N. Degree college,SHAHABAD
business analyst (BA) is someone who analyzes an organization or business domain (real or hypothetical) and documents its business or processes or systems, assessing the business model or its integration with technology. The role of a systems analyst can also be defined as a bridge between the business problems and the technology solutions. Here business problems can be anything about business systems, for example the model, process, or method. The technology solutions can be the use of technology architecture, tools, or software applications. System analysts are required to analyze, transform and ultimately resolve the business problems with the help of technology.
B.SC,B.N.Degree College,SHAHABAD
B.COM,B.N. Degree College College,SHAHABAD2018
BA,B.N. Degree college,SHAHABAD
MBA,B.N. Degree college,shahabad
M.ED,B.N. Degree college,SHAHABAD
M.SC,B.N. Degree college,SHAHABAD